In my quest to find solutions to the wide variety of menopausal changes disrupting my life, I came across intermittent fasting. Honestly, my ever-growing belly was my primary reason to start looking for serious solutions. The “calories in calories out” method of weight control that worked for the first 50 years of my life, no longer worked AT ALL! Intermittent fasting (IF) attracted me because I naturally tend toward a smaller eating window and am not hungry in the morning. There is a lot of new information on the benefits of fasting, many of which seemed to address the myriad of menopause symptoms I was looking to alleviate.  

Intermittent fasting (IF) can offer several benefits for women going through menopause. During this time, hormonal changes can lead to various symptoms such as hot flashes, mood swings, weight gain, and increased risk of numerous health conditions. Intermittent fasting may help minimize some of these symptoms and improve overall well-being. Here are some potential benefits of intermittent fasting for menopause:

1. Weight management: Menopause often brings changes in metabolism and hormonal imbalances, which can contribute to weight gain and difficulties in losing weight. IF has been shown to support weight management by reducing calorie intake, enhancing fat burning, and improving insulin sensitivity.

2. Hormonal balance: Intermittent fasting may help regulate hormone levels, including insulin, cortisol, and growth hormone. These hormonal fluctuations during menopause can contribute to mood swings, fatigue, and other symptoms. By promoting hormonal balance, Intermittent Fasting can potentially alleviate some of these symptoms and improve overall mood and energy levels.

3. Blood sugar control: Intermittent fasting can enhance insulin sensitivity and regulate blood sugar levels. This is particularly relevant during menopause as women may become more insulin resistant, increasing the risk of developing type 2 diabetes. By maintaining stable blood sugar levels, IF can help reduce the risk of developing metabolic disorders.

4. Cardiovascular health: Menopause is associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular diseases. Intermittent fasting has been shown to improve several markers of cardiovascular health, such as reducing blood pressure, cholesterol levels, and inflammation. By promoting heart health, IF may help lower the risk of cardiovascular complications during and after menopause.

5. Cognitive function: Some studies suggest that intermittent fasting could benefit cognitive function and brain health. Menopause is often accompanied by cognitive changes, including memory lapses and difficulties with concentration. IF may help improve brain function by promoting autophagy (the process of cellular repair and rejuvenation) and neuroplasticity.

6. Anti-aging effects: Intermittent fasting has been linked to potential anti-aging effects at the cellular level. It may help promote cellular repair, reduce oxidative stress, and enhance mitochondrial function. These benefits could potentially slow down the aging process, which is relevant during menopause when aging-related changes become more pronounced.

Intermittent fasting for me is the first thing that has moved the scale in the right direction in about 5 years. During that time, I have tried things like Keto, Orange Theory, Spin classes, supplements, customized supplements, etc, etc, etc. I have lost more weight than just the calorie deficit associated with my missed meals, so I am happy to be able to report results. I am about 45 days into my new regimen so it remains to be seen if I can continue to lose weight and keep it off.

While intermittent fasting shows promise for me, it’s important to note that individual responses may vary. Women with underlying health conditions or those taking medications should consult their healthcare provider before adopting an intermittent fasting regimen. Additionally, it’s crucial to maintain a balanced diet during eating periods and prioritize nutrient-dense foods to ensure proper nutrition during menopause.

For more information some of my favorite resources have been Dr Mindy Pletz Fast Like a Girl and The Menopause Reset and Gin Stephens Fast. Feast. Repeat.

Dr Mindy also has a lot of YouTube content on fasting and Menopause. For a quick sample:

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